Jonathon Anderson Studio . designers . makers . educators

Simultaneous physical circulation and static observation allude to virtual movement, simulating a sense of illusion and perceptual distortion

Simultaneous physical circulation and static observation allude to virtual movement, simulating a sense of illusion and perceptual distortion

colour rods in stragetic pattern allow for a myrid of colours to be produced as viewer is in motion

colour rods in stragetic pattern allow for a myrid of colours to be produced as viewer is in motion

Ebb + Flow - Moire pattern moves as viewer moves. City of Ottawa.

Dazzle _ collaboration with Artemis Han, Kayley Mullings and William Revie. photo: Brody White

Dazzle detail _ collaboration with Artemis Han, Kayley Mullings and William Revie

Dazzle process _ collaboration with Artemis Han, Kayley Mullings and William Revie. photo: Brody White

Three legged stool student: Danielle Zandueta photo: Rajeshta Julatum

Three legged stool student: Leanne Lof photo: Rajeshta Julatum

Three legged stool student: Rajeshta Julatum photo: Rajeshta Julatum

Three legged stool student: Sonali Kallianpur photo: Rajeshta Julatum

PLYclutch - Ash wood + felt with an india ink finish. Styling: Laura Lovell-Anderson. Photo: Rajeshta Julatum

interference _ moire patterns and motion parallax study. collaboration with Dave Kemp. photo: Dave Kemp
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gyroid by Janine Yeung

gyroid detail by Janine Yeung

option 81 ^ 4 detail _ collaboration with Adrian Kenny

option 81 ^ 4 _ collaboration with Adrian Kenny

node and rod detail

pattern and phenomena study

pattern and phenomena study

Maryland Parkway Public art proposal. Finalist